Team and governance
Technical team
pasec@confemen.orgPASEC is a program of the Conference of Ministers of Education of States and Governments of the Francophonie (CONFEMEN). As such, the PASEC technical team belongs to the Permanent Technical Secretariat of CONFEMEN, based in Dakar (Senegal).
Seydou Garba
Steering committee
pasec@confemen.orgThe PASEC Steering Committee is a body responsible for making decisions concerning the operation and strategic orientations of the program on behalf of CONFEMEN. It brings together the current President of CONFEMEN (chairman of the committee), the Secretary General of CONFEMEN (vice-chairman), eight national correspondents of CONFEMEN as well as the Chairman of the PASEC Scientific Committee assisted by a second member of the committee. depending on the topics covered. The technical and financial partners who support PASEC attend as observers. The PASEC coordinator prepares the work of the Steering Committee and provides its secretariat. The Steering Committee meets at least once a year.
Honorable Dominic Cardy
Président du comité de pilotage
Correspondante nationale CONFEMEN du Cameroun
Mélanie Guilmette
Correspondante nationale CONFEMEN du Canada (Québec)
Correspondant national CONFEMEN de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
etienne.gilliard@cfwb.beFelamboahangy RATSIMISETRA
Correspondante nationale CONFEMEN de Madagascar
Scientific Committee
pasec@confemen.orgThe Scientific Committee has a consultative and advisory role with the PASEC Steering Committee for program activities. It is responsible for validating, on a scientific level, the methodology of the work and publications carried out by PASEC within the framework of the programme. It can also give opinions on the orientations of the program, these opinions are transmitted to the Steering Committee.
The Secretary General of CONFEMEN, Vice-President of the Steering Committee, may ask the Scientific Committee for its opinion on any question relating to the program.
The Scientific Committee is represented on the PASEC Steering Committee by the President of the CS who may be assisted by another member depending on the subjects dealt with. The mandate of the members of the Scientific Committee is
four years, renewable. The members are appointed by the Steering Committee on the proposal
of the Scientific Committee and/or the Secretary General.
Loesse Jacques ESSO
Membre du Comité Scientifique
Kouamé Boye KOBENAN
Membre du Comité Scientifique
Barnabé MBALA ZE
Membre du Comité Scientifique
Christian NIDEGGER
Membre du Comité Scientifique
Attachée administrative
National teams
National teamsThe national teams are nominated by the countries taking part in the PASEC surveys, they come under the national authorities and are in technical contact with the PASEC team in Dakar.
They participate in carrying out the evaluations, from the design phase to the feedback phase.
Coordinated by a national manager, they are made up of statisticians, educators, planners, computer scientists and economists.